$15 to repair a $20 Slippers?!

The Story
Had my slippers fixed as the sole came off suddenly. It caused me to nearly trip and fall a few times. This old man had been sitting at the same spot every day for years to fix people's shoes. 

For my slippers, he charged $15. I can't remember how much my slippers cost, maybe just slightly more than $15. I have two choices:
- Get it fixed
- Buy a new one

For $15, I'd probably end up getting a new pair of slippers only to realise that it doesn't last. So I thought, let's try this.

My thinking was, he'll probably make sure it's well fixed, since it already took so much effort. So I might be able to wear the slippers for a much longer period of time. 

As I watched him fix the soles, I saw that it was indeed quite a bit of work to be done. He certainly knows his value.

What did I learn?
If I compare the price of my slippers to his offered price and reject his services, I wouldn't have known the intricacies of fixing then soles of a pair of slippers. I can certainly appreciate the work of a cobbler more today.

Amount of time spent waiting?
I guess it would be about the same as the time I would probably spend at a shoe shop.

My Reflection 
If I had dismissed that small thought about insurance and finance, I wouldn't have started on this journey to be a Financial Services Advisor. Before I entered into this industry, I never considered much about insurance, protection, investments, retirement etc. Only when I started to get involved, I started to learn about the importance of diversification.

Many people may have missed out how much they missed out on their coverage and their future expenses. We can become too busy with our daily lives that we don't realise it.

My husband told me yesterday, why he decided to seriously consider his insurance coverage, even though he knew he has to tighten his belt. This was what he said "It is already a very difficult thing to deal with the grief of death. If I leave behind the cost of my death to my love ones, I would be irresponsible."

I thought that was something heartfelt. 

I may be new in this industry, but I have a network of support from my company at Dunn & Partners, a representative of Manulife Financial Advisors Pte Ltd. I would really like to make connection with you and hear your stories. I am ready to walk through the financial research, learning, planning and executing process with you. 

Feel free to reach me at Sarah.loke@manulifefa.com.sg. I will respond to you as soon as I can.

<The glue takes time to dry, so that it can stick really strong. >


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